Saturday, 27 February 2010

Total Wipeout

My absence from blogging has been down to the simple fact, that post run I am completely wiped out.

Since my disappointing run two weeks ago, I have spent time talking to a physio as well as researching ITB injuries and other common knee problems, to get my running back on track.

Firstly I realised the effects of having tight hamstrings prior to a run and the impact upon the inside of the knee. No more leg weight training any less than three days before a long run, and plenty of hammie stretches thereafter.

Secondly, after believing that running on hard surfaces were partly to blame for my knee injuries I have learnt, (through reading Lore of Running by Timothy D. Noakes) the importance of the angle, or camber of the pavement.

As I overpronate and have a problem with my ITB on my right leg I tried running on both sides of the road and found that I suffered no knee problems when I ran on a surface which slopes down from my right foot to the left foot. This means that when running on a road I am better when running on the left hand side.

Following on from this revelation, I attempted a long run last week, carbing up, popping some ibuprofen tablets as well as my applying my gel prior to starting. I managed 17 miles sticking to my designated side of the road where applicable and noticing the impact the difference in camber of the pavement had upon my knee. Whilst it ached towards the end of the run, there was certainly no pain.

This week I set followed the same pattern and stuck to what had worked last week and managed 19 miles, or 18.2 when imapmyrun, adjusted itself. I hate it when it does that. But still, go me!

My post run routine involves getting in, drinking water, a few biscuits or slices of bread, followed by a shower or bath. It is after these activities that the wall hits me, and it takes me hours to recover. Even getting my post run meal in is quite a task, and believe me eating is usually not a problem at all. My brain doesn’t work very well, my limbs feel heavy and everything is just quite a lot of effort.

In short, the rest of my day is a bit of a right off but it gives me an excuse to catch up on tv on 4 od, and so I can’t really complain now can I?

1 comment:

  1. If your knee pain is related to IT Band Friction Syndrome, you should
    definitely check out the website:
